
A Bosnian archaeologist, Mr. Semir Osmanagic, has confirmed that since mid-April 2006 and excavations have been started. Now some of the tunnel is expected entrance of the Pyramid has been opened. On average the rooms in the pyramid can be entered now some workers and archaeologists. Teams from several Archaeologists Australia, Austria, Scotland, and Slovenia also participated in the mission of the excavation for the three pyramids
The archaeologist team is fully responsible for the excavation has decided to give names to these pyramids. Visocica hill which is where the main pyramid is called "Bosnian Sun Pyramid", while two smaller hills nearby, each given the name "Bosnian Pyramid Moon" and "Dragon Bosnian Pyramid". Total in this hilly area there are three pyramids of the entire building had been covered by thick vegetation around it. Citing a statement from the Head Excavation, Philip Coppens, a local newspaper Dnevni Avaz said that perhaps the Pyramids were made by the Illyrians of Perdaban period 12,000 BC to 500 BC In argument, Coppens also explained that he and his colleagues have not been able to find the remains of Organic, wood and coal around the Pyramids area, so the research is still difficult to do and perhaps some analysis that we have not yet completely correct cast.

If true pyramids were made between the period 12,000 BC to 500 BC, it is possible at end of the ice age, ancient human civilization has been able to make the building's grand Kolosal. From some information diareal Hills Visocica excavation, excavation of archaeological sites they will have experienced a lot of rapid development. The archaeologist team has now managed to find some other trowongan hillside around the area, the rooms inside the pyramid also had a lot in, but no-one else mummi found in Sun Pyramid. It seems that Bosnian Sun Pyramid was not built as a burial area of the Kings.
The archaeologist team is fully responsible for the excavation has decided to give names to these pyramids. Visocica hill which is where the main pyramid is called "Bosnian Sun Pyramid", while two smaller hills nearby, each given the name "Bosnian Pyramid Moon" and "Dragon Bosnian Pyramid". Total in this hilly area there are three pyramids of the entire building had been covered by thick vegetation around it. Citing a statement from the Head Excavation, Philip Coppens, a local newspaper Dnevni Avaz said that perhaps the Pyramids were made by the Illyrians of Perdaban period 12,000 BC to 500 BC In argument, Coppens also explained that he and his colleagues have not been able to find the remains of Organic, wood and coal around the Pyramids area, so the research is still difficult to do and perhaps some analysis that we have not yet completely correct cast.

If true pyramids were made between the period 12,000 BC to 500 BC, it is possible at end of the ice age, ancient human civilization has been able to make the building's grand Kolosal. From some information diareal Hills Visocica excavation, excavation of archaeological sites they will have experienced a lot of rapid development. The archaeologist team has now managed to find some other trowongan hillside around the area, the rooms inside the pyramid also had a lot in, but no-one else mummi found in Sun Pyramid. It seems that Bosnian Sun Pyramid was not built as a burial area of the Kings.