Doing taking pictures with the street dancer , jump, set foot into the wall with a pose that always defy gravity or floating just a few inches above the ground with a vulnerable pose (if it falls so head leak or a broken leg , especially the face livid), who's not impressed?.

Extreme style, which is raised by these professionals, captured with a gel by Denis. At first I thought they were doing tricks with hanging himself with a cable or wire and then concrete is usually re-edited (digital) by taking pictures with two objects simultaneously. Apparently not, they act immediately.
Basically, Denis tried to capture the beauty of a frozen moment. A very urban moment, an understanding of motion is often contradictory individual in society relations (France) which routinely activities. By taking background corners of the city, Denis has conquered monotonisme - 'it cool "city by the street aesthetic instincts of this dancer.
Visual wild, exciting, full of improvisation and spontaneity of technique (though the body) is admirable in the load against gravity.
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Extreme style, which is raised by these professionals, captured with a gel by Denis. At first I thought they were doing tricks with hanging himself with a cable or wire and then concrete is usually re-edited (digital) by taking pictures with two objects simultaneously. Apparently not, they act immediately.
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